Morning Motivation

By Rachel Angrisani
Director of Early & Elementary Learning
October 17, 2023

We’ve all been there… it’s 7:15 am and there is a mad dash to get the whole family ready to head out the door for the day. There are lunches to pack, shoes to find, breakfasts to eat (or take on the go!) and more. Phew! Starting the day from a place of calm, cool, and collected sounds lovely in theory, but even for morning people, this can be a little trickier to achieve in practice. While every family has their own rhythms and routines, there are a few strategies that could make for smoother mornings and a calmer start to the day.


Restful Evenings for Energized Mornings

A good night of sleep is the foundation for a positive morning. Helping your child get an adequate amount of sleep is important for many reasons beyond leading a smoother morning routine (brain development, physical growth, and overall restoration to name a few!), but it certainly helps in making mornings feel a little less tough for those who aren't naturally early risers. To encourage a restful night of sleep, we recommend starting the wind down routine a little earlier than you might think, especially for those kids who have the most energy during that time. This routine can look like turning off screens an hour before bedtime, having a book that your child is excited to read with you or on their own to dive into, journaling about the day, or any other calming activity that they enjoy.


Consistency is Key

For kids who have a hard time waking up in the morning, it may sound counterintuitive to encourage them to wake up earlier on days that they don't need to. However, keeping a consistent wake up schedule throughout the week and weekends can make those early school mornings feel a little less jarring. Of course, sleeping in is a wonderful treat and kiddos who are naturally later risers should enjoy a late morning wake-up here and there. But it can be beneficial for most days to start within an hour or so of the same time. It's helpful to have something exciting to wake up for! Whether that's a sport practice that they love, a weekend morning outing to go get their favorite bagels, or a play date with a best friend, scheduling things early in the day can motivate your child to get their day started!


Focus on Preparation 

When mornings aren't your child's best time of day, layering on multiple tasks can make those early hours feel hectic. Tough way to start the day! Encouraging your child to do as much as they can in the afternoon or evening to prepare for the next day can help to make mornings feel a little bit easier. Prepping breakfast, laying out their outfit for the next day (down to the socks!), and packing their bags for school and extracurriculars are just a few ideas of how your child can set themselves up for a smoother and more motivated morning.

Whether you are a family of morning birds, night owls, or a mix, being intentional about routines can really help to make mornings smoother and more enjoyable. Give one or all of these strategies a try to see what fits into your family’s flow!


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Vanessa Briones