Back to Homeschool | Routines and Rituals

by Rachel Angrisani
Director of Early & Elementary Learning
August 20, 2023

After an extended break from homeschooling, it can take a minute to get back into the groove for your homeschool rhythm. Focusing on routines and rituals in the weeks leading up to the start of the school year can help the whole family settle into the new schedule with a little more ease. Whether this is your first homeschool experience or you’re a seasoned pro, we’ve got you covered with tips to set you and your family up for a successful school year.

Here are a few examples of routines and rituals to get you started: 

Morning Routine

A morning routine sets the tone for the day and can help us to get into a positive mindset. Morning routines don't have to be the same for every family member! Have a couple of early risers and a couple of late wakers in the family? Does one of you love to get a morning walk in while the rest like to ease into the day a different way? No problem! Think about the things that need to get done in the morning, such as eating a good breakfast and getting ready for the day, and make a plan for each family member that works for them. That way, the routine is sustainable and much easier to keep on track.

Evening Routine

An evening routine is a great way to unwind from all that has happened throughout the day. Just like morning routines, this can look different for everyone. It could be journaling, listening to music or a podcast, or reading a couple chapters of a book. However, it can be helpful to set a time each day, like right after dinner or an hour before bedtime, for the whole family to take time to do whatever it is that will get them ready for a restful night.

Weekly or Monthly Outings

Planning outings with a regular cadence can be fun and motivational for the whole family. Whether that is a weekly outdoor excursion or a field trip once a month, these are things that you can put on the family calendar for everyone to look forward to! We can all get stuck in a rut as the school year gets into full swing, so setting a routine for outings can also help you plan in advance and ensure that you’ve got a variety of activities lined up.

Family Rituals

Rituals are practices that center, calm, and comfort us. Having daily and/or weekly rituals for your family can be really grounding for everyone, and sets aside quality time to spend together. Maybe every day begins or ends with a gratitude practice. Perhaps you have a family game night every Friday, or have Spaghetti Wednesdays. Whatever it is that your family enjoys and finds meaningful can become a ritual with a little bit of planning! 


Establishing routines and rituals for your family from the start of the school year can help to make your days flow more smoothly, both during and outside of your school hours. Routines provide predictability and a sense of security, especially for younger children. They can also empower all family members to be more autonomous, as once your kiddos know what to expect, they can take ownership over their own tasks and move through their days with more independence. Routines and rituals don’t have to be numerous or complicated; they simply serve as anchors for all of the happenings in your family’s world, no matter how busy things get!


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Vanessa Briones