Demystifying Assessments | A List of Questions for Parents

By Kristen Powers
TPL Concierge Specialist
November 17, 2023

Assessment sometimes feels like a scary word in education. Parents can feel uneasy when their child has an assessment coming up, and students may be apprehensive about having their work and knowledge evaluated — be it a test, quiz, project, or presentation. Feeling apprehensive about assessments is normal, but switching the lens on assessment can help you and your child grow confident in their demonstration of knowledge.

We’ve compiled a list of important questions to ask teachers regarding classroom assessments, and also how to self evaluate for all our homeschool parents. Taking time to understand what to ask provides you with the information you need to support your child’s learning. Assessments are necessary to ensure students are retaining information and cultivating a vast understanding of a topic or concept. As parents, we know progress can sometimes develop gradually, and other times seem to happen all at once.

Whether progress comes quickly or slowly, understanding tools for assessment helps you and your child in the process of achieving your educational and learning goals. 

Questions to ask teacher:

  1. What are the most important concepts skills my child  needs to have by x/y/x?

  2. How will you work on developing x/y/x?

  3. What can we do at home to ensure our child is keeping up with the pace of the classroom? 

  4. How do you differentiate assessment based on learning styles and needs?

  5. In what ways are creativity, ingenuity, and collaboration promoted in the classroom? 

Questions to ask as a homeschool parent:

  1. What are the most important concepts and skills my child needs to have by x/y/x?

  2. How will we work on developing x/y/x?

  3. Are we keeping up with the assessment schedule that is the appropriate pace for my child’s needs and learning style? 

  4. In what ways can we promote collaboration, creativity, and purpose into our lessons? Specifically, how can we foster group collaboration in our small setting? 

  5. What are we doing to address challenges we face in our homeschool relationship? 

While the word "assessment" may evoke anxiety for both parents and students, it can be helpful to view it as a tool for growth rather than a source of stress. By reframing our perspective on assessments, we empower ourselves and our children to approach evaluations with confidence in demonstrating their knowledge. These questions not only guide conversations with teachers but also aid homeschool parents in self-evaluation, ensuring alignment with their child's learning needs and goals.


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Vanessa Briones